

Alexander L. Fattal

Alex, a former member of FARC, crosses the Colombian mountains in the back of a truck transformed into a camera obscura. The landscapes are projected upside down in the cabin where Alex is, who, as if in a confessional, tells us about his journey. Just like the Max Ernst quote opening the film, we now have one eye closed and one eye open – a look at both the inner and outer world. Alex tells us how he became a guerrillero, his military feats mixed with his daydreams and how he got out of it. As his story unfolds, the choice of device becomes clearer : the truck refers to the multiple kidnappings perpetrated by the FARC, Alex’s haunting voice plunges us into a second state – a mirror of the one he lives in, this aimless and endless journey reminds us that Alex is stuck in Limbo. (Babette Dieu)

Alexander L. Fattal
Colombia, United States • 2019 • 29’