2019 Patron’s Awards

2019 Patron’s Awards

Le Fidé remains a non-competitive festival, so that each film can be appreciated in its singularity. But as a springboard for professional life, since 2014, the Festival invites producers and other film professionals to sponsor a director of the selection.

A dialogue between the patron and the chosen filmmaker starts, and may lead to future collaborations (both on short and long term) and various support : reading new projects, accompaniments, residence of realisation , screening of his/her film, financial aid, presentation to other professionals, etc.

2019 Awards

Addoc – Association des Cinéastes Documentaristes : J’suis pas malheureuse , Laïs Decaster

Le Blog documentaire : J’suis pas malheureuse, Laïs Decaster and Je ferai tout disparaître, Margaux Chataux.

Mentions :  Azadi, Sam Peeters ; Château, Tadeusz Kabicz

Tënk :Is it a true story telling, Clio Simon, Pain is mine, Farshid Akhlaghi and Des cœurs perméables, Katarina Jazbec.

TyFilms Mellionnec : Te Merau – Que je meurs, Juliette Guignard and Fanny Corcelle.

2019 Patrons