Aline Magrez

Pictures, faces and altars. Then machines and gestures. An emotional description of a place that links all its elements together.

NO’I erects the kinetic portrait of a place and its inhabitants, almost seen from a heavy wagon which trajectory is unknown, but which rythm is uncontrollable. The shots are at times symmetrical, at times decentered, bringing a multitude of details, stirring up the curiosity and forming the vision of a microcosm : objects, bodies and movements, make the culture of this place tangible and perceptible. Pieces of the everyday life, the description of jobs like weaving and sewing, document, but also remind of a cinema “d’avant-garde” like Dziga Vertov’s work, who was already mixing sewing and editing in a metaphorical association, and presented the train as an allegory of the movement. NO’I is a fragmented journey, sewn with threads, cables and rails, along which we’re grazing the intensity of a defeaning and silent, busy and static, world.

SATURDAY 13 MAY • 9:00pm
Aline Magrez
Belgium • 2016 • 22’
VO : no dialog