2017 Awards

2017 Awards

Audience Award

To complement the patron’s award, we also wished to value the recognition of the public and encourage young directors with a concrete financial aid of 1000 euros, thanks to the new Audience Award. The winner will be elected by votes. The audience will be invited to give a note to each film after the screenings. With a value of 1000 euros, this award represents, for the winner, besides the valorisation of his film, the contribution of a financial incentive intended for the writing of his next cinematographic project.

Public Award 2017 :
Urban Cowboys (Paweł Ziemilski) et Persisting Dreams (Côme Ledésert)


Patron’s award

Le Fidé remains a non-competitive festival, so that each film can be appreciated in its singularity. But as a springboard for professional life, since 2014, the Festival invites producers and other film professionals to sponsor a director of the selection.

A dialogue between the patron and the choosen filmmaker starts, and may lead to future collaborations (both on short and long term) and various support : reading new projects, accompaniments, residence of realization , screening of his/her film, financial aid, presentation to other professionals, etc … A special session at the end of the festival, Sunday 14th May at 9:00pm, will be dedicated to patrons who will present their choice to the public.

Une séance spéciale en fin de festival, le dimanche 14 mai à 21h00, sera dédiée aux parrains qui présenteront leur choix au public.

Patron’s awards 2017 :

Angelika (Léopold Legrand)

Le Village documentaire de Lussas
Deep Water (Tamás Fekete)
Every Palsy Has Its Silver Lining (Adéla Komrzýová)
Xi Xi (Xiao-Tong Xu)

Angelika (Léopold Legrand)
Octobre Novembre (Thomas Petit)



Screen Shot 2017-04-18 at 7.40.51 PM

Addoc was born in 1992 from the desire of directors to defend the documentary of creation.

The association is based on a principle of sharing experiences which takes concrete form in workshops implemented by the members. These workshops seek to construct an active vision of documentary cinema, articulating practical questions, aesthetic commitments and political positions.

Addoc is a meeting place open to confirmed or emerging filmmakers, technicians and anyone involved in the creation of documentary films.

The award of the Addoc proposed to a director from the FIDÉ’s selection will be this year :

– the screening of his/her film on the occasion of the monthly programming at cinema Luminor.

More information : http://addoc.net

© Esther Mazowiecki

Le Village Documentary. Located in Ardèche, Lussas is populated by a thousand inhabitants. A true Village of the documentary has been constituted there for thirty years thanks to passionated professionals of the documentary. Today, 40 people work in various structures (production, distribution, broadcasting, resource center, training, festival).

The village is known for its documentary film festival, which takes place every year in August under the Ardèche sun.

The professional training offered in Documentary Production and Production, as well as its writing residences, are also renowned. Enrollment in the Documentary School is open until May 19, 2017.

In this professional dynamic was born in July 2016, the very young structure Tënk, an online platform dedicated to the diffusion of the documentary. For 6 € / month, Tënk offers its subscribers access to more than 70 films, according to an evolutionary programming elaborated by a team of documentary lovers. The site is accessible from France (Métropole and Dom-Tom), Switzerland, Belgium and Luxembourg. www.tenk.fr

Chantal Steinberg will come to embody the role of the patron with the double cap of director of the documentary school of Lussas and programmer of the “Première Bobines” section on Tënk.

Le Village Documentary will award a director from the FIDÉ’s selection with :
– a purchase of broadcast rights on the Tënk platform for its film
– a one-year subscription to Tënk
and also,
– a one-week stay in Lussas (accommodation, access to the La Maison du Doc resource center, meeting with village professionals and students / residents)
– Pass-festival for the États généraux du film documentaire (20 to 26 August 2017).

More information on : http://www.lussasvillagedocumentaire.org

photo mellionnec

Mellionnec. (French) Depuis 2007, l’association Ty Films oeuvre pour la création documentaire en Centre-Bretagne : des formations, des résidences et Les Rencontres du film documentaire qui fêtent leurs dix ans cette année…
Depuis 2013, Ty Films et les télés locales bretonnes lancent un défi annuel à quatre jeunes réalisateurs : écrire et réaliser en trois semaines le portrait d’un habitant de Mellionnec. Une manière de renforcer le lien entre l’association, les créateurs et le village.
L’an dernier, Salomé Laloux-Bard, réalisateur repéré au Fidé pour son film Furor, s’est prêté au jeu de la rencontre et a réalisé La Somme de nos amours. Cette année encore, une jeune pousse du cinéma documentaire sera invitée à rencontrer un des habitants de Mellionnec…